There are many reasons why Shoppable Galleries are a great addition to your website. Galleries will infuse life into your online store by highlighting authentic, appealing and high-quality visual content tied to your products. You’ll increase customer engagement, build credibility, upsell your products through lookbooks, and grow sales.

Here you’ll find best practices for taking the most out of galleries and add value to your customer experience.

Leverage all types of galleries

With Social Native all of your visual content (whether it is from consumers, influencers or your own branded content) can be turned into shoppable assets to create a shoppable gallery. Within those galleries, you can direct customers to your product pages and turn inspiration into sales. But, besides using galleries to spark desire and lead to conversions, you can also leverage them to open the conversation with your consumers.

We encourage you to create social-oriented galleries and call your followers to action: ask for their opinions, invite them to share. Get to know their interests and passions, and post the kind of content they would like to see. They’ll appreciate being featured and they’ll feel part of the brand experience.

Surface different types of content through filters

Take advantage of filters to show specific content in your galleries. You can create those filters based on categories, types of products and even product characteristics. That way, viewers can go through the gallery and see the type of content they are more interested in.

Design to inspire

Gallery design plays a big role in attracting consumers’ attention and boosting interactions. It also helps to create a relatable and on-brand experience for your consumers. Think carefully before selecting colors, fonts, composition, and layout to design an engaging gallery. Social Native galleries’ style and design are fully customizable to match your store’s branding and colors.

Highlight your call-to-action to let people know how to get featured and what type of content you would like to receive from them. Ensure you use a combination of your @mention and hashtag to collect content from your consumers and most loyal fans.

Inspire consumers on every page

Activate your curated galleries on your online store to highlight your products realistically through user-generated content. Showcase them on your homepage, product pages, category pages, or absolutely anywhere on your site to drive sales, social proof, and inspiration.

Shoppable galleries will change the way your customers discover and shop your products, grabbing users’ attention and inspiring them to purchase.

Reach out to learn more about our shoppable galleries capabilities and get started.